
Skin Food - Royal Honey Line Launch

By Elie - 7:50 PM

Hey there, people. Guess who went for Skin Food's royal honey line launch today in Fahrenheit88? And guess who was their make up model for the day too?

 The Skin Food emblem. I've always liked the idea of the cherub as their logo. It's cute!

I'll update tonight complete with pictures and all so just have some patience before refreshing your page non stop hoping for a post, alright? Tonight, I promise.

P/S: If any of you are headed to the temple in Brickfields tonight, give me a holla and come say hi. Happy Wesak Day, fellow Buddhists!


Well, it looks like I've broken my promise of uploading it on time. I'm really sorry about that, my dearest readers. Indeed, I have tried hard to make it before the clock strikes 12 and it turns into another day but it's easier said than done especially when you've got to head to the temple to offer your prayers, give back to society and be a devoted believer in the occasion of Wesak Day.

So let's cut the story short and begin with...THE LAUNCH! Skin Food has recently introduced yet another line to their very successful predecessors and it is called the Royal Honey line with it's main ingredient being...yeap, you've guessed it. Honey. But we're not talking about any random honey like the ones my fussy customers demand for...it's PURE wild honey derived from giant honey bees in the Southeast Asian rainforests. What's great about honey is that it's not only extremely yummy, but when applied on the skin it works to exfoliate, moisturize and nourish your skin, creating a dewy and glowing complexion especially for people with dry skin!

The Royal Honey Ampoule

The Royal Honey Emulsion

The Royal Honey Hydro Essence

The Royal Honey Hydro Cream

The Royal Honey Mask

Royal Honey Hydro Massage Gel

Royal Honey Mist

 Royal Honey Toner

Another point of the Royal Honey line is that honey contains anti-aging properties and this is probably the one thing most women are afraid of. Along with it's range of makeup line with royal honey being the active ingredient, you'll be looking at a more youthful and natural looking self in no time.

For this launch, however, Skin Food has brought in their make up artist from Korea, Ms Jongmin Moon to provide a brief make up session for us bloggers. But just hold up just a second if you're about to ask why I will not be explaining the items used for the session because I'm about to tell you...THAT I WAS THE MODEL FOR THE DAY! Indeed, it was an amazing honor when Skin Food Malaysia's Marketing Executive, Ms.Stephanie Tan gave me a call in the morning to ask if I could be their make up model. Why would I not be okay with the idea?!

When I arrived Fahrenheit88 today, the first thing I noticed was the eye catching booths that Skin Food had set up for the 3 day launch event.

The sweet little booth adjourning all the way to the back where the stage is.

The stage where make up demonstrations are done.

Banners complimenting the broad spaces around the area.

A sandwich board donning a special promotion during the event period.

The main display area for the brand new line.

Little bottles of heavenly miracles.

Skin Food, Fahrenheit88. Hop onto the escalator and head straight to Level 2 to find them hidden next to a large boutique!

The Royal Honey line being displayed outside the Skin Food outlet in Fahrenheit88.

Bottles of honey goodness just hiding behind a little box.

Ms. Moon started off no longer than half an hour prior to my arrival and it was fun to actually hear a real Korean speak in Korean. Cut me some slack, half the time I am around Malaysians with the most traditional and unmistakable Manglish! Together with the translator of the day; Ms. Ann, she briefly explained quick and simple tips of how to prepare oneself before applying any make up.

Ms. Jongmin Moon and her translator, Ann.

Awkwardly, I walked toward the stage as she invited me up partly because I was highly under dressed and that I was wearing Converses instead of being a real lady and putting on heels. Yes, I'm embarrassed over my unprepared fashion but I suppose that's just a past now. 

Spot me fiddling with my phone to kill my nervousness.

Ms. Moon and I sharing a light moment on stage. You shall now ignore my larger than life thighs!

The crowd below. Can you spot me sitting on the stage?

Ms. Moon working her magic!

She was done in no time! The MC of the day; Natalie, taking the floor with a simple Q and A session as well as giving out little gifts to those who got the quiz right. I wonder what those little bottles were. Hmmm...

It was quite an experience, being the make up model for someone who seemed to have such great hands in turning someone ordinary like me into someone I didn't even recognize. Over the course, she had given quick little tips such as using brushes instead of puffs because it helps get more precise points or the fact that we should really be DABBING foundation instead of SWIPING it to make it look more natural especially on the eye area.

Hang on, are you ready for this?

The after shot of...me. Or someone I thought I knew. Maybe not.

I kid you not, Ms. Moon has done such a great job that I look completely different and my mum has commented that I am no longer who I am. She has indirectly disowned me! Sheesh, mum! *Frowns* 

Ms. Moon and I. I'm grateful for the effort she has done for me and for the tip she gave me during lunch to kick ass on my nerve wrecking eye bags. I'm also glad my dark circles did not turn her off and piss her to no ends, so thank you very much, Ms. Moon. I'm sorry they're huge and inevitable.

What I found shocking was that later on was that I was approached by two girls who wanted to have a picture with Ms. Moon and I. Never have I had people want pictures with me. This was REALLY something new. Afterward, another blogger whom I recognize from the Tea Party in Harrods approached me for a picture too. Can you sense my awkward level rising and going through the roof? Yes, I felt awkward and not to mention shy over the sudden fact that I had cameras at me. And hey, camwhoring in front of my webcam gives a DIFFERENT kind of affect, okay? Don't judge me!

Two very shy but sweet girls who first approached and asked for a picture.

A fellow blogger from the Tea Party at Harrods, KLCC. I wish I got her name. Silly me.

Jay Kim, the Overseas Business Team's assistant manager. A shy young fellow, really.

 Team Korea! Thank you for being here in Malaysia!

Lunch afterward at California Pizza Kitchen was sponsored by Skin Food and I must say it was a feast. Coming home to my goodie bag was the biggest surprise of all because of the amount of content provided! Skin Food has been so extremely generous with the gifts they give out to us bloggers. If this is their way to say thank you, then you're most welcome, really. It's too much!

Can you count the amount of goodies they have given me?! To me, I see a premium set of the new line, a thermos flask, more honey goodness and a whole lot of amazing Skin Food samples!

I wish to first and foremost thank Stephanie whom contacted me in the first place to send me the invite as a blogger and for picking me out of so many other beautiful women who attended the event to be the make up model for the day. It's really MY honor that your team picked me out and rest assured, I enjoyed myself a lot today. The hospitality of your team throughout has been outstanding and you guys have made this launch quite a success. A big hand to Vivienne whom handled my camera throughout the period of me being on stage. You may notice that the pictures are not on my blog but I have them in my storage to commemorate for this grand experience of mine. Another round of thank yous to the team from Korea; Ms. Moon who made me look amazing, Jay who had managed to bridge the contact from Korea to Malaysia and Ms. Ann who had to translate every word mentioned throughout the demonstration and during lunch. The biggest of thank yous to the Skin Food team who put together everything in order for us bloggers to have enjoyed our afternoon so much. You guys are awesome, Skin Food. 

And now...I shall adjourn to my dreamland to have vivid dreams of being on stage all over again! I have so much to say tomorrow. Hand on tight, people. Good night!

Did you really think I would have left you without a picture of myself? *Giggles*
Can I have it, pretty please?

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  1. It was nice to meet you too Rane! Probably we could be meeting up sometime soon in other events or launches that Skin Food holds should we have the chance! :)

  2. Me being an old lady love to take pic with leng lui...ahahhaa.

    Nice meeting u Elie! With or without the magic make over¸ u still look great!

  3. Hahaha Yee Ling, please don't say that. It was quite an honor to take a picture with a fellow blogger. Thank you very much for your kind compliments. It was great to have known you. Hoping to see you again soon. :)


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