
30 Days Challenge; Day 2

By Elie - 6:00 AM

Okay so I'm back again for my Day 2 of the 30 Days Challenge as I've mentioned yesterday in a post right here. I didn't quite like having to see this challenge because it meant that I had to pick the one thing I loved most out of so many things that I love eating. I'm telling you, making choices are horrible! It almost feels like I'm abandoning one thing for the sake of another and it plain sucks.

So I sat around, thinking of what was best to say or what I could have possibly made into my favourite food in line with the theme of my Day 2. It would be great if I could just say "everything" because then I wouldn't need to make choices but then again there's not much of sportsmanship if I had really just left it at that. And the thinking continues...until I realized that there was really just something I love.

I call it...scallops. I absolutely LOVE scallops! While I'm not too sure if it's because of how pricey it is (Ranging up to RM 16 or so per 100g and that's only the lowest grade of all the lowest grades) or that it has a subtle scent along with the chewy texture. Don't judge me, but I seriously enjoy having scallops as my meal; be it the fresh ones or the dried ones.

Doesn't look as yummy as it really tastes :(

And now I feel guilty for leaving out pizza, carbonara, sauteed mushrooms, mum's home boiled soups, glutinous rice balls, peanut paste desserts, pork in dark sauce, prawns...I'm a spoiled, fat child.

[EDIT] Ha! Just as I've got this post up talking about scallops, tonight's wedding dinner menu included dried scallops with mushrooms! Check out the size of the scallop!!!


Show off moment over. I shall not retreat to go to sleep. Kthxbai.

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