
30 Days Challenge; Day 5

By Elie - 3:13 PM

Shall just make this quick cause I'm really dead tired today with a whole series of things that has happened in life. Day 5 of the 30 Days Challenge speaks of my favourite place. I can't stress enough how much I like writing about this.

My room.

I'm sorry I'll never show you a picture of it because I sort of live in a pigs' sty (as my parents call it) and it's messy as ever. Plus it's my privacy, right? But this is indeed my favourite place of all places that I've been whether a beach or out the sea. This little room filled with filth, dust and things unkempt? This is my sanctuary. This is my room. And this is indeed the entry for my 30 Days Challenge; Day 5 - My favourite place.


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